Senator a. Rehman malik urged the international community to formulate common laws against international crimes.


Geneva, Dec. 04 (TNS): Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator A. Rehman Malik who is currently in Geneva for a world conference has urged the international community to formulate common laws against international crimes. He addressed the World E-Parliament Conference 2018 for the second day. The conference is being held in Geneva under Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) wherein Pakistani delegation consist of Senators Rana Maqbool Ahmed and Atta ur Rehman led by Senator A.
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Rehman Malik is participating.

Senator A. Rehman Malik said that e-Parliament Conference 2018 is aimed at to work ways and means to enhance the interaction of Parliament with general public. Member countries from the world presented their model of functioning of their respective Parliaments in the conference. Senator A. Rehman Malik presented the working of Pakistani Parliament and the steps it has so far taken and ways it has adopted to enhance its and its members interaction with the public and NGO. He briefed that Pakistani Parliament has adopted all modern techniques and technologies to have meaningful interaction with common man. He told the participants that landmark progress was made to have Cyber Crime Law as to what are those issues to be implemented related to Cyber crime act. He proposed that Cyber crime issues should be the common issue of the world as the crime can be initiated anywhere in the world and the victim can be from any other country. He said that Cyber crime is initiated with one click and this criminal click could take place anywhere in the world with its victim in any other country. He further stressed that to identify the criminal behind click and to arrest the criminal is the main issue. He said that effective action will be possible only if there is understanding of collective international action with high level of cooperation between the concerned law enforcement agencies of all countries.
He assured the International community that Pakistan will help and support actions against Cyber criminals.
In the conference, Senator Rana Maqbool raised the matter of Dr. Afia Siddiqui which had never been raised on any such international forum or Parliament.
When observed that the chair did not take the notice of issue of Dr Afia Siddiqui, Senator A. Rehman Malik intervened forcefully and informed the conference as how Dr. Afia Siddiqui was illegally taken away from Pakistan and then how was she taken to Afghanistan and subsequently taken to USA where she tried. He asked that this forum must take the notice. The participating members expressed great concern after listening to Senator A. Rehman Malik about Dr. Afia Siddiqui issue. Senator A. Rehman Malik said that his Parliament will send a note on the matter to this forum soon they returned to Pakistan.
It also came under discussion that the law once made by the Parliament should not scraped by the courts. The Parliament should remain supreme, the conference asserted. At the end Senator A. Rehman Malik stated that parliaments are loosing confidence within the masses as the parliaments are not coming to the expectation of their people. He also proposed a world Parliament with equal representation of all countries to resolve the pressing international disputes and issues like disputes of Kashmir and Palestine where armless people are being victimized and oppressed in the hands of oppressors.
The delegates highly applauded the speech of Senator AA. Rehman Malik who spoke with substantive materials and proposals.