Capital Development Authority (CDA) has finally paved the way to launch developmental works in various sectors


Islamabad, May 31 (TNS): Capital Development Authority (CDA) has finally paved the way to launch developmental works in various sectors which are pending since decades. In the past due to missing priorities, sector development remained the most ignored area among the tasks assigned to the authority. Cognizing the importance of matter and cater growing housing needs, incumbent management of the authority took practical steps to start development activities in the sectors. As a result of effective planning of present management, CDA-DWP, in its 44th meeting has principally approved PC-Is of three (03) stalled sectors including E-12, I-15 & I-14 in addition to the approval of extension in execution period of development work at Park Enclave. Furthermore, shifting / erection of pedestrian bridges at different places in the city was also approved during the meeting.

Sector E-12, was opened around four (04) decades ago but the development in the sector could not be launched. Furthermore, with the passage of time possession and other allied issues also surfaced but no attention was given to resolve these issues resultantly the sector remained stalled even after four (04) decades. However, the present management acting upon an effective strategy not only vacated the adverse possession from the acquired land but also completed the codel formalities to initiate development work in the sector simultaneously. In this context, PC-I for the development of sector E-12 amounting to Rs. 6691.55 million was prepared and placed before the CDA-DWP for consideration. The CDA-DWP in its 44th meeting held on Friday principally approved the PC-I and directed that waiver from ECNEC may be sought as earlier this project had been submitted to ECNEC.

Similarly, sector I-15 was opened aimed to provide housing to low income citizens around but the development work could not be started despite the lapse of more than 15 years. No serious attempt was made in the past to launch development work in the sector which was specifically opened to facilitate low income citizens. Present management of the authority, listed the development of sector I-15 among its top priorities and within short period removed all obstacles hindering the development work in the sector. In this context, a PC-I amounting to Rs. 5656.24 million was prepared which was also discussed in 44th meeting of CDA-DWP and was principally approved. Waiver from ECNEC may be sought as earlier this project had been submitted to ECNEC.

Sector I-14 remained stalled for two (02) decades as partial development was carried out but many facilities were missing due to which general public was facing problems. In this context a revised PC-I amounting to Rs.4241.067 was prepared which was presented in the meeting of CDA-DWP which was got approved and directed that waiver from ECNEC may be sought as earlier this project had been submitted to ECNEC. This PC-I include estimated cost of work to be done i.e Rs.3112.162 and expenditure incurred against original approved PC-I i.e amounting to Rs.1128.905 million.

CDA-DWP also approved the two years extension in execution of development work in the Park Enclave housing project. The park Enclave was launched seven years ago but remained stalled. After approval from CDA-DWP, tendering procedure which was stopped, would be reinitiated for completion of development work in the Park Enclave.

In order to resolve road crossing issues in the city, a project of shifting / erection of pedestrian bridges at different places were envisaged during the last month. After completing codel formalities the project was placed before CDA-DWP for approval which was subsequently approved by the development working party. Under this project, a pedestrian bridge would be constructed at Faisal Avenue G-7 / G-8, Jinnah Avenue G-9 / F-9 (opposite mehran gate of F-9 Park) and at Kashmir Highway near weekly bazaar.

CDA is reviving it core functions of sector development in spirit with the CDA ordinance. Public in these planned sectors had been suffering for past many decades. It is worth mentioning that once the ECNEC waiver is received CDA-DWP will approve works in the project and commencement of full fledged development work would be only two months away. ####