CDA has completed the process of opening technical bids of under pass being constructed at Faisal Avenue G-7/G-8


Islamabad, July 12 (TNS): Capital Development Authority has completed the process of opening technical bids of under pass being constructed at Faisal Avenue G-7/G-8. Through newspapers sealed bids for the construction of under-pass was sought which were opened on Friday.

13 firms participated in the process; however, two firms remained non-responsive therefore, stand unqualified for participating in the process. While accepting the bids of 11 firms, Chairman CDA has constituted a committee under the supervision of Director General Works CDA. The committee after analyzing the technical bids will submit its report accordingly. The committee have Deputy Financial Advisor, Director Roads (North), Director Contracts, Director QS and Deputy Director Roads as its members.

Chairman CDa has directed the head of the committee to carryout analysis of the technical bids and submit report shortly, so that after financial bids work on the public welfare project could be started as the project has already been delayed.

It is pertinent to mention here that incumbent management of the Authority not only prioritized the this project but also took practical steps to make it implementable. After completing of codel formalities, CDA-DWP in its 43rd meeting approved the time extension in execution / implementation for the construction of this long awaited facility. However, it was ensured that the cost and location of the project will remain unchanged. In the light of the decision CDA through advertisements sought technical and financial bids and after fulfilling codel formalities technical bids has been opened on Friday. In the light of report of committee financial bids will be opened and work would be awarded to lowest bidder.