Senator A. Rehman Malik today on Monday has urged the government to move the United Nations and other Human Rights organizations against Indian government


Islamabad, Aug 26 (TNS): Former Interior Minister and Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator A. Rehman Malik today on Monday has urged the government to move the United Nations and other Human Rights organizations against Indian government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for ongoing human rights violations in Kashmir.
Senator A. Rehman Malik was addressing a policy seminar on Kashmir organized by Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs as member of the committee. He said that the government rather to be defensive should adopt an offensive diplomatic policy to expose Modi before the world as he is committing unprecedented war crimes in India Occupied Kashmir. He said that since August 5th when the Indian government in a surprising move scrapped the special status of Kashmir by revoking Article 370 and 35A till today twenty two days passed yet we haven’t filed a case in International Criminal Court against Indian government and Narendra Modi. He said that we couldn’t develop sizeable international pressure on PM Narendra Modi to take back his notorious decision of revoking the special status of Indian Occupied Kashmir. He pressed the government to not waste further time and ask the United Nation to make the Indian Government accountable for the violation of 11 resolutions passed by its Security Council (UNSC). He said that it is right time to seek the world attentions towards the unprecedented brutalities committed against innocent Kashmiris in terms of mass murders, mass blinding through pelleting, enforced disappearances, tortures, rape, political repression and suppression of freedom of speech including the complete lock down of the daily life by Indian Forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir. He said that the unprecedented brutalities violation of Human Rights and Genocide make Narendra Modi vulnerable to the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court. He added that if The Government of Pakistan is reluctant to refer the matter to the ICC taking the plea that it has not ratified the ICC than the Kashmiri Leadership can itself inform the matter to the Prosecutor of ICC. He offered his services to assist the Kashmiri body in contacting and prosecuting its case in ICC.
Senator Rehman Malik said that just before General Elections 2019 in India, he in his book “Modi’s War Doctrine” had stated that Modi will be enhancing state terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir and will be trying to change its demography if he is re-elected. He said that he wishes the government had taken some preemptive measures at that time as ‘revoking of article 370 and 35A’ were already promised by Narendra Modi during his election campaign. He said that he has clearly mentioned in his book that Prime Minister Narendra was the prime violator of human rights who has no respect for human dignity and honour and will be shedding more blood of innocent Kashmiris if he is reelected. He said with Narendra Modi as Prime Minister, peace between the two countries and in the region is impossible. He added that by revoking Article 370 and 35A, PM Modi actually wanted to settle RSS & ISIS trained families in IOK to run down the Muslim population. He said that there is nexus between RSS and BJP which in further have established contact with ISIS/Daesh through RAW for Muslim cleansing in Kashmir. He also mentioned the role of Indian National Security Advisor AjitDoval in perpetrating the worst environment in Kashmir putting peace of South Asia at stake.
Senator Rehman Malik said that, yesterday he has written a letter to Ms. Michelle Bachelet Jeria the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Right requesting to constitute a Parliamentary Commission consisting of Parliamentarians from different countries to visit Indian Occupied Kashmir and observe the worst kind of human rights violations and genocide there. He said that as per the available statistics and the details by UN report alone, since January 1989 till 31st January 2018, 94,644 innocent Kashmiris have been killed, 7,099 were killed in custody, 11,042 women were gang-raped and 7,485 were injured by pellets.
While closing his address Senator Malik urged the US President Donald Trump to practically step in to mediate between India and Pakistan on Kashmir as the remote mediation concept will not work in every day worsening situation. Meanwhile he advised the government to ask the United Nations for deployment of peace keeping missions on urgent basis to save the lives and properties of innocent Kashmiris. He said that our permanent ambassador to UN to take up with un and all international forums adding we should also revisit our foreign policies and improve the diplomatic ties with world powers۔