Kashmir Black Day observed across globe against India’s illegal occupation


New York, Oct 28 (TNS): Black Day was observed in major world capitals to mark the 72nd anniversary of India’s massive invasion and occupation of Kashmir on 27th October 1947.

In New York, a largely-attended event was organized by Pakistan’s outgoing Permanent Representative to the UN, Dr Maleeha Lodhi.

Foreign diplomats also joined the annual observance of the Black Day in New York to express solidarity with the oppressed people of Jammu and Kashmir and to denounce India’s annexation of the disputed state in violation of the UN resolutions and its lockdown, now nearing three months.

Similarly, protest events were also held in various European cities including Brussels, Hague, Frankfurt, Barcelona and Stockholm to mark the Black Day.

Pakistanis living in Japan also held a protest and rallied in front of Indian Embassy in Tokyo.

At another rally at the Pakistani Embassy in Tokyo, participants criticized India for imposing a curfew on residents for more than two months. They called for the restoration of autonomy.