FM reaffirms Pakistan’s support for a peaceful & prosperous Afghanistan


Islamabad: Oct 24, 2020 (TNS): Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has reaffirmed Pakistan’s support for a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan.
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Talking to the Speaker of Afghanistan’s Wolesi Jirga Mir Rahman Rahmani who called on him in Islamabad on Saturday, the Foreign Minister said the US-Taliban peace agreement has provided a historic opportunity for the Afghan leaders to now work together and secure inclusive, broad based and comprehensive political settlements.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi underlined that progress in the intra Afghan negotiations would help in reduction in violence leading to ceasefire. He also cautioned that there is a need to remain watchful of the role of spoilers who do not wish to see peace and stability return to Afghanistan or are averse to strong Pakistan-Afghanistan relations.

The Foreign Minister said there are enormous opportunties for trade and economic cooperation between the two countries. He said a new visa regime has been implemented for Afghan nationals to facilitate people to people links.

Meawhile, Prime Minister Imran Khan took an aerial view of the water supply scheme for Isa Khel and other adjoining Tehsils.
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