Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (PFCC1) has lauded the efforts of National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to eradicated corruption from the country.


ISLAMABAD: July 08, 2021 (TNS): Honourable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB has said that bureau was a business friendly institute which gives priority to resolve the issues of business community. National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Justice Javed Iqbal said the bureau prefers resolving the issues of business community and the bureau had referred the sales tax, income tax and under invoicing cases of business community to FBR (Federal Board of Revenue) as per law for further proceedings. He said while presiding over a meeting at
NAB headquarters.

The meeting was apprised that the two delegations of FPCCI one of the delegation was headed by former President FPCCI, Karachi Daroo Khan Achakzai and afterwards the second delegation headed by former Vice President FPCCI, Karachi Sheikh Sultan had met with the NAB Chairman at NAB headquarters.

NAB Chairman also addressed the business community at FPCCI, Karachi, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The business community lauded the efforts of NAB chairman for resolving the issues of business community which is part of the record.
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The meeting was told that on assuming coveted responsibilities of NAB Chairman, Justice Javed Iqbal decided to himself listen the complaints of common people on every last Thursday and established a Special Cell at NAB headquarters for resolving the complaints of business community. The cell is working regurlarly.NAB has also set up a high level committee for solving the issues of business community. The meeting of the committee would be called soon. The honest business community members should not listen the base less propaganda of vested interests and should concentrate and utilize their energies for the progress of country’s economy. NAB is a business and human friendly institute which believes protecting the self esteem of every individual. NAB has recovered a sum of Rs 533 billion directly or indirectly from the corrupt elements in last three years. The bureau also returned the effectees whopping amount looted by fake private housing societies. The effectees thanked the chairman for this return. The meeting was told that optimum efforts were underway to take billion of rupees cases of money laundering,to logical conclusion. The
meeting decided to file early hearing pleas of 1,273 under trial references in various accountability courts.The total value of such cases is Rs 1,300 billion. The law will take course in light of 16 (a) of NAB Ordinance.