Pakistan urges UN to address situations where people are denied right to self-determination


Islamabad: Oct 09, 2021 (TNS): Pakistan has called on the United Nations to invest “more time and energy” to address situations where people are still denied the right to self-determination.
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Speaking at the UN General Assembly’s Legal Committee, Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations, Aamir Khan said realization of a just world order will remain elusive without resolving festering disputes.

The Pakistani envoy said respect for the UN Charter and the principles of sovereign equality, peaceful settlement of disputes, non-interference in State affairs and the right to self-determination is critical for promoting the rule of law on the international level.

Ambassador Aamir Khan said several resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council have categorically declared that attempts to unilaterally change the status of an occupied territory, legally or demographically, whose people have yet to exercise their right to self-determination, are null and void.

He said that Pakistan would continue to call for necessary changes in the global counter-terrorism architecture and the UN Security Council sanctions regime to ensure due process and effective remedy in the implementation of sanctions regimes.