Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions Cantonment and Garrison organizes Sports and Co-curricular activities


Col Saadat Ullah distributes prizes among students   

RAWALPINDI Oct 14 (TNS): To encourage the spirit of healthy competition and to promote co-curricular activities among students, Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions Cantonment and Garrison, annually organises Sports and Co-curricular activities.

In keeping with this tradition, competitions were held among the schools of FGEI Chaklala Region. In this regard a Prize Distribution Ceremony was held here, under the auspices of FGEI (C/G) Chakala Region at FG Public School No 1 (Boys) Tariqabad Rwp.

According to Spokesan Wajid Masaud, Deputy Director Chaklala Region, Col Saadat Ullah, was the chief guest on this occasion. Sports Secretary /Principal Irfan Khan Raja, Principals of Chaklala Region, Sports Incharges and students also attended the ceremony.

The ceremony comprised of two segments- Welcome address and Inter Schools Prize Distribution. This was followed by the welcome address of Principal / Sports Secretary Raja Irfan Khan.

He welcomed the chief guest Col Saadatullah and paid rich tributes to him as an academician, orator, administrator and kind personality. He also mentioned the historical development of the FGEI Rawalpindi Region and its mission to provide affordable education and holistic grooming of our future torch-bearers.

In the second part of the ceremony organised for Prize Distribution, certificates and trophies were presented by the chief guest to all the winners at the inter schools level. On the basis of overall performance in sports and co-curricular activities, the trophy for best school in the region went to FG Public School No 2 Boys Tariqabad Rawalpindi.

According to spokesman of FGEIs C/G Rawalpindi Region Wajid Masaud addressing the players, Chief guest Deputy Director FGEIs (C/G) Chaklala Region, Col Saadat Ullah said that FGEIs (C/G) had an outstanding tradition in the field of sports and maintained its excellence over the rival institutions.

He said that FGEIs (C/G) is one of the finest sports nurseries for producing sportsmen for national teams as it had maintained its tradition of excellence in sports.

He added that FGEIs (C/G) Rawalpindi provided ample sports facilities to the students in different games such as as cricket, hockey, football, basketball, table tennis and athletics.

FGEIs (C/G) Rawalpindi has also produced outstanding sportsmen and athletes in the country who represented Pakistan abroad.

According to spokesman of FGEIs C/G Rawalpindi Region Wajid Masaud, among others, Principal/Sports Secretary Boys Raja Irfan Khan, Principal Muhammad Anwar, Principal Muhammad Afzal Tahir, Principal Abdul Ghaffar Raja, team incharges of institutions and players of Rawalpindi region were also present at the ceremony.