Indian forces fire across LoC, injure two civilians


RAWALPINDI Oct 14 (TNS):  At least two people were injured on Saturday when Indian forces resorted to unprovoked firing along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Satwal and Nikial sectors on Saturday, said the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

The Army said Indian forces targeted civilian populations in the villages of Tetrinote, Manwa, Satwal and Balakot, which resulted in injuries to a six-year-old girl and 45-year-old man.

ISPR added that Indian forces also targetted Rawalkot Poonch Crossing Point (RPCP) and the visitors’ stand at the location.

“Pakistan Army aggressively and effectively responded to hostile fire, silenced their guns and caused considerable damage to the posts carrying out fire.”

The statement further added that targetting civilians will not deter Kashmiri people from their just struggle against Indian oppression

On October 4, two children were martyred by Indian forces in firing along LoC in Rawalkot and Chirikot Sectors.

The Army had also destroyed two Indian posts after a civilian was martyred by Indian firing in an earlier incident.

Incidents of cross-border firing have increased since right-wing Narendra Modi came to power in India.