Voice of protesting footballers keeps spreading across country


KARACHI Oct 17 (TNS): Football activities are at halt in the country since 2015. Every passing day is worsening the crisis and increasing the chances of a ban by FIFA on already badly affected Pakistan’s football.

Matter of fact is that hundreds of thousands in Pakistan earn their living through football as National teams’ players, Departmental teams’ players, club team players, referees, coaches & organizers. The stoppage is hurting them severely.

The situation has pushed the football community of Pakistan to come on roads and demand for their rights.

The football community of Mirpur Khas (Sindh) and Chaghi (Balochistan) are the latest to raise their voices against the stoppage of football in the country which they loudly say is due to the Govt. intervention in football matters.

Protests by the football community were seen in both the cities in front of the relevant press clubs, participated by the players, referees, coaches and lovers of the game.  The Protesters were carrying placards and banners with different slogans expressing their demands including the restoration of FIFA recognized body of Pakistan Football Federation which they claim is the only solution to the problem.

The protesters also highlighted that Pakistan Govt. is bound through an MoU signed with International Olympic Committee which says that the Govt. of Pakistan will recognize the sports body which is recognized by its respective international sports body.

It was also requested to the Chief Justice of Supreme Court to take notice of the situation due to which footballers are losing their bread & butter.