Zafar Hijazi indicted in record tampering case


ISLAMABAD Oct 27 (TNS): Former Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) chairman Zafar Hijazi was indicted on Friday for tampering records of Sharif family’s documents.

Hijazi appeared before special judge Irum Niazi’s court where he was indicted in the case. After the court read out the indictment, the ex-SECP chief denied the charges stoutly and said they were baseless.

“You have tampered the records of Chaudhry Sugar Mill and pressured your subordinates to do that,” the charge sheet read.

“I have not tampered the records and therefore no case charges can be put against me,” he said.

The prosecutor responded that the investigative officers have all evidence along with the witnesses who will soon appear before the court.

The FIA had registered a case of record tampering against Hijazi on the directives of the Supreme Court of Pakistan which is hearing a case against the Sharif family’s offshore assets. He was arrested on July 21 but was later granted bail after the payment of the surety bonds.

FIA team had found Hijazi guilty of “misconduct by passing illegal orders and pressuring his subordinates to do illegal acts, therefore a criminal case under Sections 466, 472 PPC read with 5 (2) PCA 1947 was registered against him.