NAB Chairman affirms to eradicate corruption from country


Islamabad, Nov. 5 (TNS): NAB Chairman, Javed Iqbal believes that corruption is the main challenge Pakistan is facing at present, it is a curse which is considered to be a main hurdle in the progress of any country.

The top ant-graft watchdog for the eradication of corruption and to ensure transparency in CPEC has signed an agreement with China under which the two countries will benefit from the expertise of each other to eradicate the menace of corruption.

The present NAB Chairman, Javed Iqbal considered elimination of corruption as the top priority and for this purpose adopted ‘zero tolerance policy’.

He is determined to not entertain any pressure and in line with the merit, witness and law will retrieve the looted money from plunderers to deposit in the national exchequer.

NAB incumbent Chairman Justice Javed Iqbal is an honest, dutiful, professional man who keeps in view law and merit in his day to day duties. He has professional, experienced and blotless career at his credit in the past.

He thanks Allah for his new appointment but resolves also to kick off “Accountability for all” as he had initiated “Justice for all” when he was Acting Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan.
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He is the man of his words so whatever he resolves, he does and even enemies endorse his honesty, integrity and principality.

At the time when he assumed his charge as Chairman NAB, he during his first speech with NAB officers made it clear that no stone be left unturned to curb corruption from the country. Self respect of innocent must not be hurt and reference must be filed against corrupts following merit, transparency and law. Looted amount must be retrieved from looters and submitted in national exchequer. The matter of not taking any concrete steps in previous years despite complaints, enquiries and investigations would also be investigated as no any officer is above the law.

Ineligible, Corrupt and law breakers would have no room in NAB as the incumbent Chairman does not accept any pressure or reference and ensures meritocracy, transparency, hard work, honesty and integrity.

He works for state interest, his advice to NAB officials to make them realize their duties for establishment of corruption free society is a step taken in right direction at right time.

He also ordered to stop spending NAB’s money lavishly and if anyone found guilty of it will face strict disciplinary action because resources would be utilized in a proper way by stopping unnecessary spending.

His order regarding internal and external audit of NAB is being applauded by all circles and according to his belief, NAB officials should not be linked with any political party, they must be loyal with state and NAB.

He believes that when officers will work hard and according to law and order on modern scientific lines then there is no reason that plunderers will not face punishments from country courts.

He firmly resolves that NAB has not been established to serve for political purposes and when NAB officials will work hard with following merit, transparency and law than references would be filed within prescribed time of 10 months.

He checks all issues after the Oct 11, 2017 in full transparency, fairness, evidence with law and now if any reference will file from NAB in Court, he will check it personally to fulfill the legal requirements.