Shehbaz Sharif is the key factor behind the restoration and success story of Mayo Hospital


The face-lift of Mayo Hospital Lahore has silenced all criticisms that the Punjab government is least bothered about safeguarding its heritage sites

Punjab province has seen many governments but Shehbaz Sharif’s era has been exceptional. His love for culture and architecture is well-known. It seems Lahore one of the favorite cities common to all Pakistanis is especially loved by Shehbaz Sharif

LAHORE Nov 17 (TNS): The face-lifting of Mayo hospital in Lahore is a superb step taken by Shehbaz Sharif’s government to safeguard the 147 year old heritage, and a tribute to all those who worked day and night to raise stature of this historical medical institution under his guidance.

Mayo hospital, which was built in 1870 in Lahore, is the oldest and biggest hospital that on an average deals with 5000 patients per day. Uncountable facilities are available in Mayo hospital as patients from all over the Pakistan visit this hospital.
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Punjab province has seen many governments but Shehbaz Sharif’s era has been exceptional. His love for culture and architecture is well-known. It seems Lahore one of the favorite cities common to all Pakistanis is especially loved by Shehbaz Sharif.

He has contributed in his own way to the renovation of the historical sites of the beautiful city of Lahore, particularly Mayo Hospital.

Taking keen interest in the restoration of these ancient building and monuments he has approved separate budgets in order to restore them.

On the renovation of Mayo Hospital’s dilapidated wards of the old building and improvement of services at Mayo Hospital an estimated Rs220 million were spent. A group of donors called Friends of Mayo Hospital approached Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif and shared their interest to renovate the hospital,

The historical portion due to the sincere efforts of the Punjab government has been restored to its original shape. A society called “Friends of Mayo,” also supported the cause.

The face-lift of Mayo Hospital Lahore has silenced all criticisms that the Punjab government is least bothered about safeguarding its heritage sites.

Mayo Hospital is one of the oldest and biggest hospitals, located in the heart of Lahore City and is surrounded by busy commercial and thickly populated residential areas with famous Anarkali Bazaar, Nila Gumbad, Gawalmandi and the Walled City of Old Lahore around it.
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Earlier, after its construction in 1871, the Mayo Hospital was affiliated as a teaching hospital with the King Edward Medical College (then Lahore Medical College) which came into being in 1860.

Encompassing over 54.6 acres of land and the main building with boundary having 11 gates, the hospital is one of the largest hospitals in South East Asia and is a center of excellence for public benefit.

Besides better resource management and departmental supervision, it is due to the commitment of the Punjab government of Shehbaz Sharif that Mayo Hospital has become one of the best hospitals of the country in the public sector. Today, it offers the most modern treatment to all its patients irrespective of their economic status, a rare instance at any government hospital.

Transformation of Pakistan’s oldest and South Asia’s largest hospital into an improved health facility providing free treatment and, that too, relying completely on the budget slightly less than the funds being provided to Civil Hospital Karachi and other tertiary care public health facilities in the country reveals nothing but Shehbaz Sharif’s commitment to serve people .

Mayo Hospital established in 1871 was named after the Earl of Mayo, the then viceroy and governor-general of India.

The 2,399-bed hospital having 4,300 staff members comprises 43 departments that include a modern accident and emergency unit, tuberculosis and chest diseases wards, pediatric surgical ICU, diabetic clinic, radiotherapy and oncology wards.

With the exception of only one department, treatment at all the departments was free of cost.

This was done gradually so that lessons learnt from initial experiences could be employed in other cases. Every death is evaluated and meetings are called to address lapses in the treatment. The hospital’s per day per bed cost is Rs400 which is a little less than what the Civil Hospital Karachi gets. Efforts are still on to further reduce the cost.

The nominal charges received on account of lab tests are included in the hospital budget. One of the key factors to the hospital’s success is better resource and financial management, supervision, delegation of powers to the lowest level and a communication system in place to know patients’ grievances introduced by Shehbaz Sharif.

The hospital has saved Rs110 million on account of economized use of gas and electricity and purchase of equipment. He said that the hospital also provides free food and shelter to the attendants.