Disabled persons continue to be deprived of their basic rights


ISLAMABAD, Dec 02 (TNS): In the National Press Club Islamabad on Saturday, a private organization organized a program aimed at to create awareness among the disabled people regarding their basic rights.

Speakers on the occasion have said that it is unfortunate state of affair that persons with disabilities were not counted in the census 2017.
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It was said that due to lack of educational institutions for the disabled in the country, these people are generally being deprived of education.

Despite special favor from Govt by providing quota in jobs and other sectors, the ground situation shows the contrary picture as disabled ones still are facing the hardships of unemployment.

The situation regarding these people has improved in developing countries as 3 Sep is being observed as International Day of Persons with Disabilities since 1992 but in Pakistan there has not been done enough to get this deformed class of the society uplifted. The added

Speakers stressed for the need that the Govt and concerned NGO’s pay special attention to arrest the suffering of disabled class by providing jobs to make them able to come out of dependences and earn their own living.