PMYP, UNOCT launches a project for rehabilitation of juvenile offenders in Balochistan


ISLAMABAD Dec 26 (TNS):  Prime Minister’s Youth Programme (PMYP), in collaboration with the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), has successfully launched a project for the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders at Quetta District Jail.

Justice Munawar Ali Shahwani of Balochistan High Court, Quetta inaugurated the training activity as a chief guest.

The objective of the project is to invest in juvenile offenders and offer them opportunities to become positive agents of peace and prosperity in their respective communities.
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On successful completion of training, the trainees will be awarded certificates, said a press release.

The project is one of the priority projects identified at the UN-PMYP Needs Assessment Conference on Prime Minister’s Youth Programme (PMYP).

In her message, Chairperson Prime Minister’s Youth Programme, Leila Khan said, “It is for the first time in the history of Pakistan that the PML-N Government has started such a project for the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders in prisons”.

She added, “In collaboration with the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), we are already running similar trainings for juveniles in Haripur Prison/KPK, and are planning to replicate the same model very soon in Hyderabad and Mardan Jails,”.

The UNOCT has provided the requisite training equipment and material in order to train juveniles at Quetta District Jail in the trades of ‘Motorcycle Mechanic” and ‘Tailoring’ for a three-month period in order to provide them with livelihood opportunities upon their release from prison. Balochistan Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (Balochistan TEVTA) has provided two expert trainers for this purpose.