RSS tried to sow discord in Indian Army in 1950: Report



NEW DELHI: Extremist Hindu group RSS in 1950 worked to stoke discord within the Indian Armyallegedly over the leadership of the first Commander-in-Chief K M Cariappa, according to an Indian media report.

The two-paragraph wire states that there was an attempt to assassinate Gen Cariappa, whom later became Field Marshal, during a tour of east Punjab and that six people were sentenced to death in connection with the plot.

Claiming Gen Cariappa was resented by Sikh officers, the wire says, “RSS is capitalising on the north-south split among Army officers, persuading Sikh officers, whom the informant considers treacherous and unreliable, to spread dissension.”

However, apart from the noting that informant had his biases, the wire seems to offer a contradictory view that “officers from Travancore, Maharashtra and Madras are invariably loyal to Gen Cariappa”.

Since RSS leadership then and for decades later was strongly influenced by Maharashtrian brahmins, its motives in opposing Gen Cariappa are not clear.

Courtesy: Times of India