Islamabad,July 11(TNS): National Coordinator of NACTA, Dr. Suleman Khan on Wednesday addressed the National Youth Conference on Countering Violent Extremism on Campuses in Islamabad, in which he strongly condemned the heinous terror attack at a rally in Peshawar last night which took the lives of ANP Haroon Bilour and many innocent civilians.
“It was a coward act of a fistful extremist persons filled with hatred and vicious agenda, it is that evil mindset against which we all have gathered here today.” He was addressing at the inaugural session on the Day-1 of National Youth Conference on Countering Violent Extremism on Campuses, held here today in a local hotel at Islamabad.
The National Coordinator NACTA, Dr. Suleman Khan warmly welcomed more than 200 honorable guests from all over Pakistan, amongst them were Vice Chancellors, Faculty Members, Students Senior Office holders of various educational and vocational institutes including some of the prominent Madrasa students and faculty members of more than 25 Universities country-wide.
Main objectives of the Conference were:-
The National Youth Conference on Countering Violent Extremism is organized to engage faculty members and students from prominent universities and madaris across Pakistan
To formulate policy recommendations as part of its process for devising a Pakistan specific national strategy for countering on-campus extremism through an inclusive process
The conference will be followed up by deliberations with relevant stakeholders and experts for formulating policy recommendations and devising practical action plans for their implementation
Dr. Suleman said, Pakistan’s youth, who in number are 62 percent of our population will have to come forward against the ongoing war on terror by engaging themselves in positive activities, eliminating hate and extremist culture from the society, especially from amongst the students of universities and mdaris.
Day-1 of the Conference ended upon disbursing of the participants into 10 Thematic Group Discussions to compile recommendations on Day-2 for the final guidelines to devise a comprehensive policy against violent extremism in our educational institutions.