Pakistan presents dossier comprising irrefutable evidence to Int’l community on India’s involvement in terrorism


Islamabad: Jan 07, 2021 (TNS): The Spokesperson said we have presented a dossier to the international community comprising solid and irrefutable evidence regarding Indian involvement in abetting terrorism in Pakistan. He, however, said that India should keep it in mind that law enforcement agencies of Pakistan are fully vigilant to foil Indian designs.

Answering a question on India’s joining UN Security Council as non-permanent member, the Spokesperson said it is ironic that India is able to sit on a UN body, whose resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir have persistently and defiantly been flouted by the New Delhi for over 70 years.

He said India continues to oppose Kashmiris and deny their inalienable right to self-determination that was guaranteed to them under numerous resolutions of UNSC. He said India’s bellicose rhetoric and belligerent actions pose a threat to peace and security in the region and beyond.

He said India continues to impede access of Security Council’s mandated UN Military Observer Group for India and Pakistan to hide ceasefire violations along the Line of Control and deliberate targeting of civilian population.

The spokesperson expressed the confidence that other responsible member states of UNSC will remain mindful of these facts and will not allow India to abuse its position as a non-permanent member of the Council.

He said India will not be able to evade responsibility and accountability for its widespread violation of international law in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and beyond by virtue of its membership of the UNSC.

Regarding a question about intra-Afghan negotiations, Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry said Pakistan is committed to the Afghan Peace Process and to provide all possible assistance to move this initiative forward.

Answering another question, he strongly repudiated the baseless, false and fictitious allegations made by Afghanistan’s First Vice President Amrullah Saleh in a facebook post regarding illegal transfer of material from Pakistan, which could be used as explosive.

These spurious allegations are conspicuous efforts to undermine internationally acclaimed role Pakistan continues to play in Afghan Peace Process for bringing durable peace in Afghanistan. He said the two countries should refrain from public blame game and use official channels to discuss complete gamut of the bilateral relations.

He said it is important for the two sides to focus on enhancing cooperation and coordination through existing official and institutional channels to address mutual security concerns. He said Pakistan, on its part, reiterates its abiding commitment for a peaceful, progressive, united, sovereign and democratic Afghanistan.

The Spokesperson also extended Pakistan’s congratulations to US President-elect Joe Biden on his certification confirmation win by the US Congress.