Afridi urges Amnesty International to expose Indian war crimes in IIOJK


Islamabad: Sep 27, 2021 (TNS): Chairman Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir Shehryar Afridi has urged the Amnesty International to raise its voice against human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and impress upon the United Nations and other humanitarian organisations to save Kashmiris from Indian genocide.

According to a statement, Shahryar Afridi met Senior Advocate at Amnesty International at the UN, Lawrence Moss, on the margins of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York and presented the dossier on rights violations by India in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and briefed him on the worsening human rights situation in the IIOJK.

He said the occupational regime of India is involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity in Jammu and Kashmir.

Chairman Kashmir Committee also briefed Moss on the muzzling of civil society voices in India, including its refusal to allow Amnesty International and other independent observers to operate in the country, particularly in the IIOJK which he said was a matter of deep concern.