Influenza grips Karachi too after seasonal ailment took 17 lives in Multan during last 23 days


KARACHI, Jan 09 (TNS): A private hospital in Karachi has confirmed 28 cases of the H1N1 (seasonal influenza A), with several other patients complaining of symptoms similar to that of the deadly disease.

Director Health Karachi Dr Tahir Aziz told on Monday that up till now 28 cases have been reported of the seasonal influenza at the city’s Aga Khan Hospital.

He said that several other people have also been admitted after experiencing symptoms related to seasonal influenza, and medical tests are being undertaken to ascertain if they are suffering from the disease.

H1N1 (seasonal influenza A) is a deadly disease which can spread through contact with the bacteria discharged by an infected person’s coughing and sneezing. Pregnant women, senior citizens, and children are susceptible to the disease.

Meanwhile, at least 17 people have died in the past 23 days after contracting seasonal influenza in Multan.

Influenza claims another life in Multan, taking toll to 17

According to a spokesperson for the Punjab Health Department, a total of 104 tested patients were diagnosed with seasonal influenza.

Chief Minister Punjab Shehbaz Sharif has already taken notice of the spread of seasonal influenza and directed relevant authorities to take all possible measures for its prevention.

He also advised them to organise awareness campaign regarding the illness.