22 dead in rush hour stampede on Mumbai Railway Bridge


22 dead in rush hour stampede on Mumbai Railway Bridge

MUMBAI Sept 29 (TNS): Commuters stampeded on a Mumbai railway bridge during the morning rush hour on Friday killing at least 22 people, a disaster management official said.

The cause of the crush was not immediately known but Tanaji Kamble, a spokesman for Mumbai’s disaster management cell, warned that the death toll “is likely to go up”.

He said there were at least five critically injured as well as the 22 confirmed dead. “It was the peak hour rush but the stampede has been brought under control,” Kamble told.

TV footage showed commuters trying to revive the injured by pumping their chests and also carrying some down the stairs to street level.

Local trains are the lifeline for the 20 million people of Mumbai and accidents are common on the busy network.

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